Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hoot Hoot Hooray for Owls

I've been getting out my owl stamp sets and making some adorable cards this week. I'm amazed at how popular owls are right now and not just in the stamping world either.

I saw owl things at Target yesterday, including this adorable necklace/jewelry holder that had cute owls on the branches. I needed it, but the budget does not include any more owl things. Besides, I'm saving my money for more owl stamps. <grin>

Here's a picture of my favorite owl card yet. I made it for a friend and then I had to make a bunch more since our family has SO many Spring birthdays. Sorry if you're a Spring birthday because you're probably getting one of these. LOL

Do you love owls too? If so, which Close To My Heart paper do you like to stamp your owls on? My favorite is this Lollydoodle paper. I love the paper, but I also like saying Lollydoodle. LOL

Have a stamping good day!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute card. I just love the Lollydoodle paper and I love saying Lollydoodle too! LOL!
