Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wicked Fun

 I am LOVING the August Stamp of the Month . . . and maybe it's not just because it's called Wicked. It's no where near Halloween and yet, the stores are full of Halloween stuff already (and school hasn't even started). Heck, if I bought candy for the trick or treaters now, what would the chances of it still being here (or me finding it in October because I hid it in such a perfect place from myself that I can't find it) . . . yup, not a good idea.

So, instead I'm stamping witches and brooms and lots of scary stuff . . . including the cat, who, by the way, is NOT wicked. She's really cute and I just had the thought that she would make an adorable card . . . and I could make her have green eyes with some of my little jewels. OR I could make her spooky with some of the red ones.

this is a cute cat card
this is a real wicked cat
Oh, and the cat card was really fun to make because I cut the scallop shaped card out with my new CTMH Cricut cartridge. There are several really fun shaped cards, including circle cards which I love making, but are hard to cut out because, well, I failed cutting circles out in kindergarten. LOL

Okay, so apparently, I need to go make some more cards with my new Wicked stamp set. I hope it's not wicked of me to not make my family dinner because I'm too busy stamping. It's not Wicked if you make cute stuff, right?

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